A Few Words About
Creativity Reimagined, Creativity Unbound!
Optimus Maximus Solutions. founder
Alfonso S. Bowens Jr.

Create in 2012, Optimus Maximus Solutions (OMS) LLC, was formed by Alfonso S. Bowens Jr . The latin word for “Optimus” in english means, “The Best”. The latin word for “Maximus” means “The Greatest”.
Alfonso saw there was a great need in the fashion, artistic, and the creative world, for the services he and other s provided. To maximize the skillsets of many, OMS was born, allowing now such talents and resources to be offered to the world; and providing the solutions people are looking for. Bringing Creativity to the forefront of what OMS stands for. We are a company that cultivates design; OMS is here to craft solutions that allow you to express your imaginative side from business to personal needs. “You have the touch…You have the power!”
Get In Touch

Alfonso S. Bowens Jr - Founder / President

Our mission is to provide our clients and customers with the best and greatest, artistic, fashionable, and business products and services. OMS is a conglomerate of business entities created to express the artistic vision of Alfonso S. Bowens Jr; from art to fashion, we provide services to the consumer.